Child abuse case in West Virginia ends in jail time

Friday, September 15, 2006 A 35-year old woman, Venus Critchfield of Philipippi, West Virginia, United States was convicted of child abuse and sentenced to two to six years in prison. Critchfield was accused of beating her stepchildren with boards, and using hooks and ropes to secure them and force them to stand for long periods of time. Critchfield also forced the children to continuously eat food and drink, and then eat their own vomit. Her stepson, now aged 17, described the abuse in court. Circuit Judge Alan D. Moats called…


Reduce The Cost Of Your Real Estate Flyer Box Expenses

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Independent Mortgage Brokers Warrnambool Real Estate Brochure Boxes are an essential ingredient for promoting homes and property. They are a great way to advertise your listing and your services. Anytime you can have someone read an advertisement about yourself or point them to your website is a golden opportunity. Of course you will hear the whiners say that brochure boxes do not work and it is to much of a hassle. Homeowners love to hear they are going to fork over several thousand…

Princeton media class discusses Wikinews

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Saturday, February 26, 2005 Princeton, New Jersey —According to Ryan Walsh, editor of the websites for both the Princeton Journal of Science and American Foreign Policy, internet news service Wikinews was the topic of a report by Federico Baradello in a Princeton University course on mass media and public policy. The course, offered through the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, studies “the impact of…
