3 Tips To Using Close Combat Training For Self Defense

By William Gabriel

Close combat training has quickly become one of the most popular forms of self defense training. There are some inherent weaknesses in learning a specific martial art form and as people continue to become more aware of them, programs like the one designed by Captain Chris are becoming more popular. Even though this type of self defense can provide all of the information that you need to successfully defend yourself, that doesn’t automatically mean that you will win every street fight. Here are 3 tips to make the tools that you are taught more effective.

One common thread that is common to every close combat training course is speed. The moves that you learn will be simple and fast. This minimizes the chances of making a mistake, while still maximizing their effectiveness. However, in order for you to truly take advantage of this, it is important that you develop some speed. Many people are not inherently fast, when it comes to attacking or defending. This is because there are specific muscles, known as fast twitch muscles that govern how quickly you will be able to move. To compliment that training that you receive, it is important to develop these muscles. It doesn’t matter how fast a move can be, if you simply are not that fast. By building your fast twitch muscles, you will be able to react more quickly and make your actions more effective.


Another tip that will help you maximize your close combat training is visualization. This is a theme that you can see throughout the training program that Captain Chris has designed. In order to get comfortable with the techniques that you are being taught, it is important that you can accurately visualize when and how to use them. Additionally, with visualization, your practice can become more effective as well. If you learn a lot of techniques, but have never thought about when or how to use them in real life, then when the time comes to defend yourself, your brain will momentarily freeze and you will not be able to react as quickly as you need to.

An additional way to make your close combat training more effective is to review the training materials. One of the biggest mistakes that many people make is that they take a few weeks to watch training videos, understand and learn the moves, and then never watch those videos again. If the self defense techniques that you need are not fresh in your mind, there is a greater chance that you will not be able to use them when it is needed. You don’t need to watch them every day or even every week. However, taking a day every month or two to review all of the content can be a great help.

It doesn’t matter if you are using the program designed by Captain Chris or any other close combat training course that you enjoyed, there are a number of ways to ensure that you are not learning these skills in vain. There are 3 simple ways to make sure that you are truly prepared to defend yourself: build your fast twitch muscles to increase your bodies speed, visualize situations and how to react to them, and always review your training materials once every few months to keep it fresh in your mind.

About the Author: For more tips and information about

close combat training

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Captain Chris



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