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Automatic Forex Trading Systems – Do Metatrader 4 Expert Advisors Really Work?
Thad B.
Chances are, if you’re interested in making an additional income stream through trading, you’ve come across automatic Forex trading systems. Most of the best Forex trading systems are programmed as Metatrader 4 expert advisors, and there are many free and paid Metatrader expert advisors on the market.
So do any of these automatic Forex trading systems actually work? By the end of this article, you will be able to quickly differentiate between the Metatrader 4 expert advisors that actually deliver a safe and consistent monthly profit, and the Metatrader expert advisors that will crash and burn your account in a blink of an eye.
Automatic Forex trading systems are ideal for traders who want to achieve a safe and consistent monthly profit without being chained to their trading desk. Let’s face it, most people get into trading to achieve financial independence and freedom, so why would you want to learn trading from scratch? The best Forex trading systems are those that free you from the need to go through the painful and expensive learning curve most amateur traders start out with.
That’s where the Metatrader 4 platform comes in. Metatrader is a popular trading platform because it allows traders to develop and run Forex expert advisors, which are basically a pre-programmed set of rules for buying and selling when certain conditions are met. These Metatrader 4 expert advisors are really powerful because it puts your entire trading operation on autopilot, with no previous trading experience necessary.
So how do you differentiate between Metatrader expert advisors that work and those that hazardous to your trading account? First of all, forget about trading any free Metatrader 4 expert advisors. Chances are, they will end up costing you much more than you would have saved in buying any one of the commercial Metatrader expert advisors on the market. The best Forex trading systems take time, money and expert knowledge to develop, and will rightly be sold at a premium price.
There are two vital things you need to look for in commercial Metatrader expert advisors: live testing results and a lengthy money back guarantee. The best Metatrader 4 expert advisors have both live testing results as well as back testing results. Back testing results are extremely unreliable because there are often gaps and errors in historical price data, which translates to extremely unreliable testing results. Live testing results on the other hand, are tested in real time on real price data, which is the only data you can truly rely on.
There’s one last crucial test that you need to perform on any of the automatic Forex trading systems you want to trade with real funds, and that’s where the money back guarantee comes in. The best Forex trading systems are sold through reliable vendors like Clickbank that offer solid 60 day money back guarantees, which allows you to perform your own live testing. Once you’ve chosen your Metatrader expert advisor, put it to the test by running it live on a demo account before trading it on real funds.
Only the best Forex trading systems can pass this three step process of backtesting, live vendor testing and live user testing, so you can be very confident with any system that you bring through these steps successfully.
Metatrader 4 expert advisors are a powerful solution for traders who want to skip the expensive learning curve and achieve their desired profits without being chained to the trading desk. There are many Metatrader 4 expert advisors available that can deliver a safe, consistent, long-term profit on autopilot to your trading account.
The best Forex trading systems are those that have been put through extensive testing and removes your risk with an ironclad money back guarantee, so if you can find one of these Metatrader expert advisors, you can be confident to see slow, steady gains to your trading account each and every month.
Thad B. is a Professional Trading Systems Developer who has developed and managed dozens of profitable trading system over the years for a private hedge fund.
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Automatic Forex Trading Systems – Do Metatrader 4 Expert Advisors Really Work?