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Become a Master Co-Creator
InEasa mabu Ishtar
Become a Master Co-Creator
Free New Moon Meditations And ActivationsThe Ascended Masters wish to offer channeled meditations and activations on the New Moon for the next 6 months to assist you to move deeper into your mastery of creation this year.The Masters say that 2011 is a year when the group heart of humanity is awakening to their true co-creator selves and these activations each month will assist you to awaken the power of co-creation and manifestation within you.These channels will be offered as a live webcast on the day of the New Moon Australian time.They will also be made available as an MP3 audio which you will be able to download if you register to receive it.All you need to do is to send an email to Ishtar at ishtar@ascendedmasterchannel.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with the word “PLEASE REGISTER” in the subject line.An invitation to register for the webcast will be forwarded to you to complete.You do not need any software to listen to this webcast and you can listen live over the internet or via telephone link up – just follow the instructions when you have received your webcast invitation.Reminders will be sent to you before each webcast once you have registered.You are invited to share this email with your friends, clients and contacts if they are interested in joining us.The first New Moon webcast will be held on February 2nd at 1pm Sydney, Australian time.New Moon Meditation Dates and Times:February 2nd at 1pm* Sydney time (London 2am, New York 9pm)March 5th at 7am* Sydney time ( March 4 London 8pm, New York 3pm)April 3 at 11.30pm Sydney time (London 2.30pm*, New York 10am*)May 3 at 4pm Sydney time (London 7am*, New York 2am*)June 3rd at 6.30am Sydney time (June 2nd London 9.30pm*, New York 4.30pm*)July 1 at 7pm Sydney time (London 10am*, New York 5am*)* denotes Daylight Saving timeTo find out what time this is for you in other destinations please go to www.timeanddate.com/worldclockMany blessingsIshtarBlessed be in the One HeartIn’Easa mabu IshtarAscended Master ChannelKeeper of Knowledge, Wisdom and Mysterywww.ascendedmasterchannel.comwww.globalhealingexchange.org
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Become a Master Co-Creator}