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Car servicing – The main things to remember to check
Felicity Lightbody
Keeping an automobile in service and reliable depends on the condition of a few major items. Mobile car service companies are a good way to keep your car in proper condition without having to take it to a shop. Regular car servicing will extend the longevity of a vehicle and make it safer to operate. Having a list of items for them to check and service will assure the most value from their visit.
Tyres are always a number one concern. Affecting both safety and gas mileage, proper pressure should be maintained at all times. Checking tyre pressure should be on the list for the mobile car service to check, but it should also be checked by the driver on a weekly basis. Tread should be examined for wear, and the sidewalls checked for bruises and scuffs. The spare also needs to be checked for proper inflation.
The battery should never be left in service until it is about to fail. It is better to replace it a bit prematurely than to be stranded on the road or be unable to leave home in an emergency. Pay attention to any change in its performance and have it checked immediately if it seems to have difficulty starting the engine.
Filters can be depriving your car’s engine of air and fuel, and if left unchanged can cause the engine to shut down. Continuing to operate a vehicle with dirty fuel and air filters will decrease both performance and gasoline mileage. They are inexpensive to replace and should be checked often.
Overlooking an oil change seems harmless enough but major damage can be inflicted upon the engine by operating it with dirty or depleted oil. Oil looses its viscosity and can no longer be depended upon to perform satisfactorily after it has been in the engine for a given amount of mileage.
Cooling fluids, and the radiator system, should also be on the schedule to be checked. It is best if fluids are replaced on a regular basis. Radiator fluid should always be added by way of the reservoir tank and is a task best left to the professional.
A visual inspection of hoses and belts should always be performed when servicing the car. They are a lot less expensive to replace than being stranded and towed.
Brakes are an item the driver can check by listening for a change in the sound of the automobile when coming to a stop. They should always be on the list for inspection during servicing but being aware of changes in how they sound will alert the driver to their need for immediate attention.
To keep your car in reliable operating condition check with your mobile car service company to assure your list is complete, and schedule car servicing on a regular basis.
Felicity is a avid car enthusiast. Felicity works for a company who specialise in
car service London
as well as BMW services & mobile car servicing in the UK. For more information, please visit their site,
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