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By Jon Caldwell
We have cited a number of advantages of staying in a condominium. It is also a good start for those who want to practice independent living. Although a lot of people can really cope-up and survive in the set-up, there are still some individuals who are not yet open with the idea of living in condominiums.
Even if the security is tight in a condo, there are also some safety risks especially to those who are living on the 20th or even the 60th floor. They will be the first one to get affected ones natural disasters such as cyclone and earthquakes would strike. The cost of condo units and association fees is no joke. If you are not financially ready, then this is not for you.
Do you have some unwanted stuff stuck in your cabinet but you don’t want to throw it? Do you have some shoes that don’t fit you anymore but is still as good as new? Do you have an old radio that can still play good music?
Admit it: You have a lot of ‘useful trash’ found at your home, but you find it hard to throw them away due to practical or even sentimental reasons for some. There’s nothing wrong with that, really.
Why don’t you set-up your own garage sale? Yes, you can freely do that in the condominium community. In this way, your things will be useful again to its new owners. Just make sure to sell only the items that are in good condition.
Just like in any unexpected accidents that we encounter in our everyday lives, we can’t really say when a big bag of goods like rice will be broken. I myself had encountered an incident wherein I failed to notice that the plastic bag where the grains of rice I bought was broken. What happened? Well, the grains of rice was scattered on the floor! The other tenants who witnessed this event gladly helped me out.
If you encounter the same problem, you are responsible in cleaning up your own mess. You can ask help from others, but don’t expect them to do the whole cleaning for you. It is important that you work on it as soon as possible to avoid further accidents like slipping.
Everybody wants a clean and peaceful place to live in. Who would like to live in a dirty and smelly place?
If you are residing in a condominium, make sure that you dispose your trash properly. Avoid throwing your garbage in the hallway, in the stairs, in the elevator or the floor. A disposal area is designed specifically as storage for the unit owner’s trash. It is advisable that you practice separating the biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Items that can still be re-used such as papers, bottles, plastics and so on can be sold to junk shops or can still be useful to others.
The security of our home is one of the most important we consider. We can’t really leave our family members at home if there are threats of violence such as massacres, kidnapping and ambush. Just the thought of the possibilities makes you feel so stressed and tired.
One of the benefits that you can get in staying in a condominium is security. The usual condo community is mostly private and the security guards roam around from time to time. Have you noticed that we rarely hear bad news in condominiums? With the growing crime rate in almost everywhere, a stay in a condominium can give you the peace of mind you deserve.
About the Author: Jon Caldwell is a professional content manager. Much of his articles can be found at allaboutcondoliving.com
Source: isnare.com
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