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Submitted by: Wed May
We are always advised caution before entering into any sort of deal with any business concerns. Nevertheless, no matter how cautious we are, there are certain people who with their strong convincing skills and shrewdness are still able to dupe innocent people.Mr. Jay Mulein conveniently forgets to pay back the said amount. The client would of course receive a small amount here and there just to keep people from filing a lawsuit. But soon he becomes inaccessible and you are yet to receive the big money that you were thinking that youd receive back with interest.One such person who has been fooling people and extorting huge amount of money is Jay Mulein- the owner at Hidden Values, LLC a financial services and consultancy company. Contrary to his claim of providing exceptional customer survives to all their clients, both individual and institutional alike, this person has been stealing big money from both individuals and institutions alike.
Mr. Mulein approaches the clients with the offer that hed provide his clients free insurance and that the client just has to pay the first years premium which is a sort of a loan that he takes and this amount would soon be refunded to the client. This sounds like a pretty good deal only until Mr. Jay Mulein conveniently forgets to pay back the said amount. The client would of course receive a small amount here and there just to keep people from filing a lawsuit. But soon he becomes inaccessible and you are yet to receive the big money that you were thinking that youd receive back with interest.
No amount of personalized service from relationship managers and teams dedicated to meeting investment needs would be appreciated if the person plays such cheap tricks. Being one of the victims of the con by Mr. Mulein, we have also suffered huge losses. We paid Mr Mulein $121,693, which was supposed to be the first year premium on three life insurance policies. These policies were for Edward D. Keller for the amount of $59,453, John L. Spangberg for $31,500, and Xantha Dhawan for $30,740. The payment was made in the beginning of April 2011. The terms of the loan were 30 days. Mr. Jay Mulein received insurance commissions of $146,031.60. Instead of paying off our loan and keeping the override as his profit, he stole the money.Mr. Jay Mulein conveniently forgets to pay back the said amount. The client would of course receive a small amount here and there just to keep people from filing a lawsuit. But soon he becomes inaccessible and you are yet to receive the big money that you were thinking that youd receive back with interest.We, in fact did receive partial payments of $20,000 in July 2011, $18,500 in August 2011, $10,000 in October 2011 and $2,500 in April of 2012. These were done mainly in an attempt to prevent yet another lawsuit against him.until Mr. Jay Mulein conveniently forgets to pay back the said amount. The client would of course receive a small amount here and there just to keep people from filing a lawsuit. But soon he becomes inaccessible and you are yet to receive the big money that you were thinking that youd receive back with interest. A payment of $70,693 plus the interest is still outstanding and we see no possible foreseeable opportunity where we can see him returning the money said one of the victims of the scheme by Mr. Mulein. The values in Hidden Values are not hidden but rather absolutely missing.
About the Author: For more information about Jay Mulein, the owner at Hidden Values, LLC read Financial Services Fraud @
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