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SMART and Fannie Mae 1004 MC Addendum
Jamie Hanson
If you are a real estate appraiser or an agent you need to determine market condition for your appraisals which is indeed very frustrating and time consuming. Are you are prepared to agree the new requirements implied by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for a complete and perfect market analysis? Now is the time that you really need to get S.M.A.R.T. Appraiser (Statistical Market Analysis In Real Time).
How does S.M.A.R.T help the Realtors and Appraisers? Actually S.M.A.R.T. works from data downloaded from the user’s local MLS (Multiple Listing Service). An MLS is basically a website full of local housing data available only to Realtors and Appraisers. This helps them to make knowledgeable estimations in a very small time, in just a few minutes. The data that is downloaded from the user’s local MLS helps the realtor to describe the market like zip code, city, geographical boundaries etc. and download all the activities in last three years. This is the most effective way to divide, breakdown and study thousands of records in just a few clicks. However the realtors and appraiser need not carry out multiple searches and do filtering in data provided by MLS. You simply need to select the required data and S.M.A.R.T does the work for you by converting it into accurately reliable and detailed graphs. S.M.A.R.T. also pre-populates and forms the latest 1004MC automatically! Thus S.M.A.R.T. really helps to analyze the market in ways you might have never ever dreamt of. Finally, it makes it quite easier to complete the Fannie Mae 1004 MC is one of the most crucial reason for the creation of S.M.A.R.T. The benefits of a S.M.A.R.T. (TM) subscription are:1.) It helps one complete the FNMA 1004MC much faster than an Excel spreadsheet,2.) Quickly draw trends lines to help support declining or appreciating market time adjustments,3.) Helps you shine as the professional that knows the “Pulse” of their market – Underwriters will think you’re a genius, meaning less call backs,4.) To help you publish major studies for your marketing purposes, again presenting you the local professional knowing the “Pulse” of your market! Are you still ready to fill your appraisal reports according to the new requirements set by FNMA 1004 MC Addendums within the deadline given that is 1st April 2009? If not, then S.M.A.R.T. is the right option for you. S.M.A.R.T. not only makes you complete the FNMA 1004 MC faster but you also gain the credibility of being recognized as the “Pulse” of the market. You also save a great deal of time and energy in searching for records and details of previous years with the help of MLS as it gives you the complete details of the market in a few minutes by simply clicking on the links given. However, you should always remember that S.M.A.R.T. will be able to work with most MLS system in USA which has export potentials. Some MLS systems have limitations in sending data required or in a well-matched format of S.M.A.R.T. analysis. Some may require MS Excel to be installed to send required data from MLS system.
To attain benefits of S.M.A.R.T Appraiser, realtors and appraisers should check
Making it easier to complete the Fannie Mae 1004 MC at
Fannie Mae 1004 MC Addendum
To know more about S.M.A.R.T. and MLS system, look at thebestfnma1004mcsolution.info
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SMART and Fannie Mae 1004 MC Addendum}