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At the outset, we set out to be innovative, and to push the imaginary boundaries of not only our clients but our own expectations and the result has been a tremendous amount of success.In order to be competitive, a focus on a very client-centered approach which we believe has contributed to our success has proved to be the formula that keeps us ahead. But that’s not all – our trading strategies and sales are all backed by comprehensive research. Our team of researches works in tandem with a highly skilled and experienced investment advisory team. Through this backing our firm is capable of identifying opportunities for investment and customizes solutions according to our client’s requirements.At Asia Securities we are realists who love to dream and to explore. Every challenge is another opportunity at reinventing ourselves.
Manage your accounts
Sri Lanka’s first internet based stock trading facility known as the Colombo Direct Automated Exchange was introduced by Asia Securities. In a bid to broad base trading at the Colombo Stock Exchange as well as bring about real time accessibility to clients both overseas and local the CDAX system has changed trading activities forever. The CDAX facility is offered at no additional cost to any of our clients.
A CDAX account with Asia Securities and a net connection are a perfect way of being able to mange your accounts. Your stock portfolio is viewable any time and from any part of the world, allowing you to keep an eye on expanding and growing your portfolio, by simply logging in.
A DirectFN account is another means of being able to monitor the happenings in your portfolio. A DirectFN account will provide clients with a platform from which to view prices at a real time pace as well access information for a multiple range of asset classes. The DFN serves a wide range of markets from the USA through to Europe to the Middle East , and includes Africa and Asia as well. The best aspect of DFN is that it allows users to sharpen their attention or keep altering their focus to the different dynamics in the local markets that come into play.
What is the procedure for investing non resident Sri Lankans ?
A special scheme exists for Sri Lankan who are non-residents to remit money for such investment in Sri Lankan through an account titled Rupee Account for nonresident in Sri Lankans (RANSI) Sri Lanka citizens who have proceeded abroad to take up employment elsewhere etc., and citizens of Sri Lanka who have made their permanent place abode outside Sri Lanka are considered non-residents for Exchange Control purposes. Non-resident Sri Lankan citizens have been exempted from such restrictions provided that they remit their foreign exchange earnings for investment through RANSI accounts maintained with commercial banks pointed as Authorized Dealers under the Exchange Control Act. Income from share investments and interest income from monies remitted are freely transferable out of the country without exchange control restrictions.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/finance-articles/stocks-articles/stock-brokers-sri-lanka-670751.html
About Author:
Stock Market Sri LankaAuthor: Chanaka Cooray