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Submitted by: Vikram KR
One of the most satisfying things in the world is to buy new sneakers. However, choosing the perfect sneakers can be a hard task. Shoes are so much more than their functionality. Since men have so few accessories to choose from, shoes often become one of the most important accessory that you really need to pay attention to. Choosing a pair of sneakers that are both functional and fashion forward can be quite stressful and intimidating, especially due to the huge array of options to choose from, however, one of the quickest ways to navigate the task is to go for something that is timeless and has been in vogue for years.
One of the best shoe ranges that you can choose for yourself that speaks both functionality and fashion are a pair of Adidas shoes. This is one of the classic and timeless brands that is known all over the world for their wide range of sneakers that are perfect for a huge array of needs. From shoes designed for particular sports and athletes to simple shoes for running, and even womens shoes keeping their requirements in mind, Adidas definitely has a shoe that will suit your style and requirement. Built with ample support structures that are a must of particular sports, buying a good pair of shoes from an Adidas superstar shoes sale is an investment that you can make that will last you for years.
The Adidas Superstar shoes range is designed for basketball players and has quite an interesting bit of history to it. Designed as the low-top variety of the Pro Model shoes for basketball, this range completely dominated the basketball field in the 1970s.The key feature of this shoe and the feature that distinguishes it from any other shoe is that it introduced the iconic shell toe design. The shell toe is a flap that covers the top part of the shoe and is made from hard rubber, thereby protecting and shielding your toes.
These typically have a leather upper part with the shell top and a lace-up fastening. They also feature a rubber cupsole and three stripes on the sides that is a marker of the range. The superstar range has a wide variety of shoes and also has a number of collaborations for iconic designs popularised by icons like Pharrell Williams and Stan Smith. They have a wide array of designs that you can choose from that would compliment your personality. If you are going for a simple, iconic design that will be cool with any outfit, you can opt for the timeless black on white or vice versa versions. You can also opt for a number of colours from the Pharrell Williams range like pink, olive, lime green, sea blue or amber. Other available shades in the Weave range include red and blue and from the Stan Smith collection, white with green accent, white with navy accent and an all black version. There is an option for a marble design on the sole in black and white if you want a minimalistic design. If you want to be more experimental, you can try the animal print or the camouflage design.
The Adidas superstar shoes is one of the most comfortable and varied range of sneakers you can opt for and also one of the most sought after shoes and therefore, by opting for these sneakers, you are opting for one of the most iconic sneakers in history.
About the Author: Finding the perfect pair of
Adidas superstar shoes from
Adidas superstar shoes sale is one of the best investments that you can make. Not only are these incredibly functional, but also a very fashion forward choice for those who like to work out in style.
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