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By Sam Beatson
The Sedona Method is a formula created by a man who discovered his “infinite beingness” and was called Lester Levenson. It is taught in its current form primarily by Hale Dwoskin of Sedona Training Associates and by Larry Crane of Laurence Crane Enterprises. The Sedona Method is taught by Sedona Method facilitators. There are myriad ways to apply the Method which essentially boils down to a 6 Step formula for having, doing or being literally anything in life.
Also known as The Release Technique (under Larry Crane), a main idea for putting the Sedona Method into practice is to understand that “feelings are just feelings and you can let them go” and that beneath feelings which could be categorized under the emotional states of apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger and pride is an ever-present underlying sense of courageousness, acceptance and peace which can be tapped at any moment by choice and decision to do so.
Taking The Abundance Course is one way of learning the Sedona Method. There are both similarities and differences in the teaching styles of the two facilitators mentioned above. The rest of this article amalgamates information from both the above facilitators so that the reader can release on any feeling, goal, issue or desire, in moments from now…
Feelings are just feelings, they are not us, and we can let them go. This can be illustrated by the child who falls over and doesn’t cry when playing, just brushes themself off and carries on. But if eye-contact is made with the child, chances are they will put on a show of tears. As children, we have the naturally ability to let go. As we grow up, we “learn to forget” and the Sedona Method in part is a relearning of this inherent ability that we have – to let go and be ourselves once more.
The basic “releasing method” incorporates three basic questions that can be applied to any situation in your life whether that is a goal, a challenge or a desire. Take a moment to look inside and allow yourself just to feel whatever it is that you are feeling in this moment. The first question that you can put to yourself is “Could I let that feeling go?” The answer can be “yes” or “no” – take whatever comes up for you. “Could you?” means “are you able to?”. Yes or no are both acceptable answers. Be open to the fact that you may be able to let go of all your feelings, even if you are skeptical or have been holding on to a particular person, place, thing or memory because it has seemed to be beneficial or “right” for you to do so. You will find that as you let go, you “lose” nothing, only you gain more lightness, happiness and peace…
Larry Crane recommends that you disengage your “head” – your thinking – and see how you feel in the feelings center which is your stomach or chest – is there a tension or a clutching to be found there? If so, could you let it go?. You can imagine inserting an imaginary tube in to where the feeling is located, uncapping the tube and allowing the feeling to shoot out! (The Method is supposed to be fun!) Or imagine opening an imaginary door in the area and allowing the feeling to pass through the door – like clouds through the sky, or smoke up and out a chimney flue. Also you could put your hand on your stomach or chest.
Hale Dwoskin suggests you could imagine seeing a knot unraveling in the area of the feeling, or clenching your fist over your solar plexus and loosening/relaxing your fingers and hand as you let go. Alternatively you can experiment with diving into the feeling and at the very core perhaps is a white light. So allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling in this moment…
And could you let it go? Just could you? … Would you? (this second question means “am I willing to let it go?”…When? (the third question is an invitation to let go of the feeling right now, here in this moment). And just let go as best you can. Focus inside again on whatever you are feeling, in this moment, about your goal, about your challenge or issue…
And could you let that feeling go?
Would you if you could?
And again, allow yourself to focus inside and check to see what you are feeling in this moment about your goal, desire or challenge? And could you allow yourself to let it go? … Would you allow yourself to let it go? … When?
If you answer “no” to the second question, “would you?”, you may notice a feeling that you are stuck. If so, you can ask, “would I prefer to have this stuckness or would I prefer to be free?” and just let go as best you can on the stuckness. You could also ask “could I let go of wanting to change the stuckness?” and let go of the wanting to change it.
This is the basic premise of the Release Technique – could you? would you? When? … The Sedona Method is profound and can bring about positive and empowering effects very quickly, even those which may have been longstanding. The author of this article has been using the Method for a number of years with some outstanding results. It is strongly recommended that you learn more about this phenomenon of letting go through a paid course.
About the Author: Sam Beatson, author of the above can offer you a 100% FREE
releasing course
when you join the releasing ezine published at his site: http://www.successdir.com/releasing You will empowered the better as a result of this 100% FREE course…Guaranteed!
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