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Submitted by: Amie Allensworth
Sometimes in life, things happen where one or more of your teeth are going to come out of your mouth. They may be knocked out in an accident or other mishap, they may fall out due to dental disease, or your dentist may have to pull them out. Either way, the end result is that you are missing one or more of your teeth.
While solutions such as dental implants exist that can fill in the open spaces in your mouth, some people opt to just leave the gaps as they are and carry on with life. This may be due to budget issues or just a lack of motivation to get anything done. Whatever the reason for the tooth loss or the desire to not replace the teeth, leaving those spaces may not be good for your self esteem or your health.
Treatments like dental implants will help to remove any of the insecurity that goes along with having missing teeth. Most adults who have one or more spaces in their smile seem self conscious, and usually dont smile as often. Its common to see people with missing teeth keeping their lips together when they do smile. Having a dental implant placed into the mouth to fill in the space will enable you to smile like you always used to before the tooth was removed or knocked out. What a lot of people dont know about having missing teeth is that it can also have a negative effect on your health.
When you have one or more teeth missing from inside your mouth, the section of your jaw bone where the tooth used to sit doesnt need to provide support in the same way. When the tooth was there, your jaw bone had to work to keep the tooth root implanted and the tooth strong. When there is no tooth there to support, the bone starts to lose its strength. Over time, the jaw bone will start to deteriorate and health issues will start to develop. Luckily, having a dental implant placed into the jaw will prevent any bone loss from happening, and serve as a replacement for the missing tooth, as well. Once the dental implant is securely in place, you can be secure in the knowledge that all the support you need is in place.
Other tooth replacement options such as bridges or partial dentures wont help you prevent bone loss when you lose teeth. Dental implants go right into your jaw bone to simulate a real root, which is why they are the only real method to prevent bone loss from happening. If you have some missing teeth and arent sure how to proceed, talk to your dentist about the possibility of getting dental implants. The dental implant cost is often more than most people can afford, but financing is usually available, and the results are worth it. Dental implants will take care of the self conscious element and the health element of having missing teeth.
About the Author: Get information on
dental implants
and discover an alternative to dentures. Trust your smile to Chrysalis Dental Centres 4576 Yonge Street, Suite 100, Toronto, ON M2N 6N4 +1 888-733-6983.
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